Sunday, August 19, 2007

P-value < 0.05

Here, I'll write my own surname down.
Oh. Why?
I don't think you'll be able to spell it right.
Oh fine.
You don't believe me? B-A-R-K-H-O-R-D-A-R-I-A-N. Barkhordarian. I bet it's the longest one you've ever come across yet.
Wow, you're right. What are you?
Ah. Well, my surname's the direct opposite of yours. It'll probably be the shortest you've ever seen.
H-O. Ho.
That's it?
Oh, I get it now! You're the null hypothesis!
(wtf?) err..yea. YEA! You're right! Explains why I'm always rejected!



Ahh..okok. I've had my laugh. If you're a biologist or have remotely done any biology before, you'd probably get that. If not, shame on you. This is terrible. I really need to focus on my report. Like, NOW.


At 8/19/07, 5:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think u r bored mel..

At 8/19/07, 5:43 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

hahaha..yo cch! did you get that joke anot? no la..i just got distracted from my one true work..reportsville!

At 8/19/07, 6:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nah i din get it. guess i dun do enuf bio..
most of my experiments r tried n tested to prevent us from blowing up the lab i guess...

At 8/19/07, 6:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cheh! I didn't do bio also I get it la....

biologists aren't the only people on earth who do stats you know

At 8/19/07, 10:50 PM, Blogger Daniel said...

Ho : Beta = 0?

do a test of the null hypothesis? ahhahaha!

all commerce students do stats...

At 8/19/07, 11:07 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

cch: i don't know if you're being sarcastic or what. but good that you don't need to go through all that.

wk: oh..oops. i totally forgot about normal mathetical statistics. see..too much ecological stats in my head.

dan: ahhh..beta=0? conjuring up lost memories in my head..but MATH1015: Statistical Methods was 2.5 years ago. Haha. But good on you for getting that joke!

At 8/20/07, 12:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol.. i really din get it.. i din take any maths course since first year.. all i took was phys, chem, bio n material science

At 8/20/07, 1:50 AM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

well..*koffkoff* i shall explain now.
in bio when you conduct an experiment, you need to come up with a hypothesis right? whatever your experiment is about? But then you also need to come up with a null hypothesis..which is whatever your hypothesis is NOT.

so after you collect your data, you run it through statistical tests, you obtain a p-value and if p-value < 0.05 then you reject the null hypothesis..this shows you've proven your hypothesis. and you always reject the null hypothesis la.

and null hypothesis is written as Ho.

wah..long explanation la.

At 8/20/07, 2:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHA...ROFL...sial bad joke dat one...HAHAHAHAHAHA

p/s: u callin gene again not? HAHAHAHAHAHA

At 8/20/07, 8:40 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

erh..i dono la. why..? you want me to call him again izzit? gimme la some incentive ke something. or a reason. hahahahaha!

At 8/22/07, 1:39 AM, Blogger galnexdor said...

yup mel...thats a stats joke not a bio joke...:)

but yea...seriously...super lame, yet ingeniusly hilarious! :)

At 8/23/07, 2:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

must hav reason meh??? er, ok, let me tink. OK! it's his week free next week, so no classes mer! n moreover, the GF is comin! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


At 8/23/07, 3:38 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

ren: lol..i know. it came to my as a stroke of genius..hahaa!

kailan: wah..evil. i'm surprised eugene hasn't commented on what you're asking me to do..tsktsk. why la you wanna torture that poor soul? anyway, i told him edi, that i'll DO IT. so you're in luck..hehe.

At 9/10/07, 6:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, its a stats joke, Mel. I would have forgotten all my stats (business stats was in 1st year) but I'm doing Psychology 1B now, and they make us do stats! haha.. Looks like almost everyone uses stats, Mel. Engineers (WK) Accountants (Daniel) Marketers (Me) Psychologists... oh and almost forgot Marine Biologists! Still a funny joke though. haha..


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