Thursday, January 11, 2007

Aesop's Fable.

I was hanging out with my mom, her friend AND her friend's mom today in Putrajaya. We were having teh tarik halia at the food court over looking the lake. We were seated beside the big glass walls and from where i was, i could look outside. There was this table just over the barrier of glass and there was an Indian man eating what looks like chicken rice. When he was done, he left.

His plate was still on the table but there were bits of rice left. Suddenly one brown sparrow flew down and on to his plate and started pecking at the bits of rice. Eventually it flew off. However more sparrows started swooping in and the last i counted before i lost interest was 6 sparrows on the plate at a single time.

What i really wanted to say was that the sparrows reminded me of something that happened when i was in Standard 4. We were moving into a new class and there was a new cupboard and one day we opened that new cupboard and lo and behold there was a nest of baby sparrows in it!

My friend took out one of the baby sparrows and we let the others go free. Then all the little kids including me huddled around him and we christened the baby sparrow..but i can't remember what the name was. Anyway, he took the baby sparrow back.

The next day when school started everyone was damn excited and we asked him how the sparrow was and he said it had a fever so he gave it a cold bath to cool it down. The next day we asked him again on the state of the baby sparrow and he said it still had it's fever and so he gave it more baths. Then we were concerned that it wasn't eating so we started digging around for worms for him to take back.

This went on for about a week until one day he walks in and tells us that the baby sparrow is dead. Apparently baby sparrows aren't meant to take so many baths in the span of one week.

What we may think is good and right may not necessarily be good or right at all. Sometimes, it can prove to be fatal.

And it's true...the people who love you most are the ones who'll stab you where it really hurts.


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