Sunday, October 22, 2006

oh CRAP! this will be the 2.5th post about politics, the status of the country, development, growth etc etc...OMFGWTFBBQSAUZE! damn sien...if you're already bored please feel free to skim this post. i promise i shall resume posting camwhor-ish pictures and sordid tales of drunken escapades right after this.

anyway, i had a very interesting chat with someone tonight. which was totally unexpected because each time we talked the topics would revolve around alcohol, boys, why being single sucks, uni stress, more boys, clothes, even more get the picture...average bimbotic stuff. not that we're's just *shrugs*..

so, she thinks Malaysia is a "freaking Third World country la" (kenny, you got another supporter). her logic behind it is that it's a dichotomy; either you're developed or you're third world. and because we're 'developing' and not 'developed', thus and only thus, we are third world...ta-daa!

so i said.."fuck off la". no actually i didn't. hahaha..

i asked her what's Africa and she says, Third World.

So, Africa = Third World = Malaysia, therefore,

Africa = Malaysia...?

and then things got interesting.

but what's even more interesting is how this whole classification of a nation goes about. according to Wikipedia (not the most reliable source around, Kids, don't use it as a reference in your reports), the development of a country is measured with statistical indexes such as income per capita (GDP), life expectancy, rate of literacy, technological advances etc. from a nation's SIs, it can be determined whether it's a First, Second or Third World country.'s a very boring list, you've been warned:

1. Malaysia total GDP (2005 estimate) = $290.7 billion which places us in 33rd position.
2. Life expectancy as of 2006 for males = 71.8 years and for females = 76.3 years (haha..pwn, girls > boys).
3. The literacy rate among citizens aged 10-64, in 1991 = 88.6% and in 2000 = 93.5%.

ok...keboring-an to the max. you can choose to take the stats at its face value and assume that it has not been tweaked or you can raise hell and clang the shackles and say "Screw you Department of Statistics of Malaysia!"cos that's where i got them from.

i dare say..we're doing pretty alright. does it warrant us being labelled as a Third World nation? i can't say i'm a voice of authority when it comes to economics and some such (because i'm a science student, not an arts student) but i can ask my mom, and i have friends who might have a better opinion or point of view. so lemme know what you think. or even if you're not doing econs but want to vent your spleen...please, do.

but back to the issue:

i said, Malaysia is NOT Third World else'd you wouldn't be sipping on your Long Island in Luna Bar flanked by the Twin Towers and KL Tower and neither would you be able to go shopping in Midvalley. she said, alalalala and sent me a link of pictures of South Africa with shopping malls. fair enough. ( students, pfft)

and then she said, you're riled up about us being lumped up with poorer countries.

jeng jeng. is this the point where i've become elitist myself? admittedly, we're not First World. we're FAR from First gap of thousands and thousands of still-unfelled rainforests ( joke). but we DO have an adequate education system (no matter how fucked up you think it is, it got you into pre-u and then uni so STFU); we DO have quite advanced technology: broadband internet (which is also fucked up, according to some sources), electric trains, ASTRO (life-saver) and G3 cellphones; we DO have quite a sophisticated approach to culture: The Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra, numerous art galleries, a strong and thriving performance and dramatic arts community and of course our own interpretations of all things culturally malay, chinese, indian etc.

and...we DO have quite a status-symbol thing going on there...check out the number of BMWs and Mercs on the road...and the occasional flashy sports car, the shops on the Ground Level of KLCC, the Bangsar/Hartamas district and the number of fine-dine restaurants. although these are only catered for a minute fraction of the Malaysian population, the fact of the matter is: it's there.

AND...we DO have our own car...we've even got 2 in fact, Proton and Perodua. you say it's crap, but it's serving me well, and i'm pretty sure it's serving a lot of other people well too; we DO have our own airlines system...MAS...which is pretty much up-there with the other big guns, and AirAsia. all these qualifications still warrant us as being Third World?

personally, i don't think so. i think it's unfair to call us a Third World nation after all we've worked to become today. calling us Third World would, imho, put all your parents and grandparents efforts to waste...because their years of hardship/labour/work to improve our country's situation, well...didn't really make an impact after all, if we're still to be considered Third World.

so how now?


At 10/22/06, 2:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haih. lets not arguing about this anymore.

we got our own points, and we are trying to convince each other with our points.

i got the influence since i was a small kid. maybe its the place i come from, and influences from the politicians i know from kelantan. we've seen the bad side of the government more than the good ones.

you see, things in kelantan was so worst before PAS come in, actually.
before 1990, things were terrible. there were this report saying that central government were supposed to inject funds to kelantan as development funds. i couldn't remember the amount but that was kinda big. however, things has not been done.

ya, i know. it's the past.


sorry la. i don't feel like arguing anymore because i feel like a dumb writing these things.hmmm, feel bad la now. should have give some credit to khor soo kun, because he is the only one i think still doing his part properly, i think?

conclusion: you've your points, i got mine, as well. that's why there are anti and pro government parties, isn't it?

hmmm. sorry for arguing before this, alright. seriously, sorrie!
and sorry for leaving this comment. but again, i don't mean to argue, it's just my opinions. k? hmmm. sorrie!

oh yah, good luck for the coming finals. alright?

At 10/22/06, 1:35 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

umm..who's arguing with you?

i said..'she' la. are you a 'she'? and we were having an open discussion.

this wasn't meant to be an argument, it's just to see what others feel and to state how i felt.

At 10/22/06, 1:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops. sorrie then.
kerterlaluan berperasanan.
my fault.
open discussion.

At 10/22/06, 3:07 PM, Blogger archobyz said...

my mum once heard from fm98.8, some listener called in and said, "not supporting the government doesn't mean i'm unpatriotic. i love my country, but i don't love the government".

i love malaysia, but i don't really like some of the things that our government is doing.

but, there are some people who hate the country because they hate the govt. and since they hail from that particular country, are they also hating their own identity?

is it the same to say that the US is a fcuked-up country just because some people think that the Bush govt is fcuked-up? and can those people love the states/all things american at the same time that they're hating the govt (which equals hating the country, to them)?

ok... i think i'm getting out of the point here but heck it, i sokong you.

At 10/22/06, 3:25 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

haha..thanks linda. it's kinda hard to want to make a can argue that malaysia does not deserve the third world tag, but then others will refute by saying that i'm biased by only looking at KL and ignoring other states like the greater parts of Sarawak or Kelantan or Perlis etc.

but then this will become never-ending. because, by continuing on this aspect, one can argue that the US cannot be first world, because if we ignore the cities on the east and west coasts, the innerlands of the US is not as developed as to garner first world status too...and so the argument goes on.

so yea.

i agree with you, the country and the government go hand in hand. because ultimately it's what the government has done to shape the country in which you live in (and i expect, in which you love)...

susah nya nak jadi politician.

At 10/23/06, 11:26 AM, Blogger Daniel said...

I hate the government honestly. I hate all them politicians. hypocrits!! burn them at the stake! muahahhahaha!

but why? there's too much to say. Yet i must admit that they've done some things right too.

in anycase, i agree with swatch junkie. i love malaysia but i dont love the government.

Australians have a healthy disdain towards politicians and i really respect that.

Problem with malaysia is although we have achieved so much, we should have achieved much more.

in the 1950-s we were on par with South Korea. then south Korea got fucked by the Korean War.

and today 50 years later, they're miles ahead of us when we should be miles ahead of them.

i wonder why.

anyway, in all fairness, its not wrong to say malaysia is a great country.


At 10/23/06, 12:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice point mel, very nice point

At 10/23/06, 9:58 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

dan: that point about south korea is very true. maybe a majority of us have turned me..being contented with where we are and not pushing forward.

cch: eleh..i thought that day..


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