Thursday, October 19, 2006

i have no affiliations to political parties.

let's talk about governments. better yet, let's talk about corrupt governments.

we have, on our hands, a corrupt government.

Do you know this man?

a government that terrorises its populace. a government that takes every last drop/grain/cent of yield its people have to offer.

Is this a parallel scenario?

a government that disbands justice. a government that forbids freedom of speech and religion.

Are your thoughts your own?

a government that disseminates party propaganda. a government that witholds education.

Could you even begin to imagine?

a government that initiates ethnic cleansing through means of forced emigration or genocide. a government that cripples the economy. a government that makes sure its country is still nestled cosily within the Third World list.

i can drive home at 3 a.m. from Zouk or Luna Bar without the fear of being shot at by the military.

Whoa. A car full of girls summore.

i can afford to go shopping and spend my allowance on whatever that fancies me. i read in the newspapers about criminals being sentenced by the courts of justice. i am a practicing Catholic with friends who are Hindu/Buddhist/Muslim/Christian and i've written about my feelings about the burning of flags.

the only party propaganda that i've ever known is Keranamu Malaysia and Malaysia Boleh. i completed my 3 years of kindergarten, 11 years of public education, did 1 year of pre-university and am currently studying in Sydney (see proof below) with friends who are in Hawaii, the UK, Russia, Ukraine, greater parts of the US and Australia and even Singapore; i also have friends who are studying in UPM, UKM, UTAR, TARC, Metropolitan, LimKokWing, Sunway and Monash.

He's still watching over the town.

the Holy Family Church, St. Francis Xavier's and the really nice Hindu temple somewhere near Petaling Street is still standing and so is the Tin Hau Kong...and i'm not dead nor am i a refugee or anything but a Malaysian. The ringgit is gaining ground on the Australian currency day-by-day...ever-so-slowly but surely. we used to own the tallest building in the world.

We got pipped at the top by some Taiwanese building.

now, we own the second tallest building in the world.

you say our government is killing our country. i say our government has been doing a pretty good job thus far. you say our government is so corrupt. i say greed is inbred into the psyche of humanity and that nobody's perfect. you say the government does not help out the other races. i say that i have a friend who is studying in sydney on a government scholarship and he's definitely not malay..and he's not the only one. you say that you'd rather vote for the opposition party.

i say then, that you're just like those who you vehemently discredit; elitist racist scum (this is where 'racist' becomes politically correct...haha...politically).

so you think that if your party of choice ascends into power, your race will become the favoured one? it will be your era of glory to reap the bounty our land provides? do you hope that the roles will be reversed? are you trying to say that you want this cycle to repeat itself but with different players this time; those that are more towards your favour? are you forgetting that greed is inbred into the psyche of humanity?

are you trying to be hypocritical?

the police do their jobs. it is up to you to give them 'duit kopi' or not. the politicians state their aims and objectives. it is up to you whether you want to accept it or not. the government favours the malays. it is up to you whether you want to work hard enough to finally be recognised or not.

or you could take the easy way out: go to another foreign country and then whine and bitch about how you could not get a spot in national universities when, in the first place, you never even considered it as an option.

it's so hard to satisfy some people.


At 10/20/06, 2:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

FRACKIN TAIWANESE!!! HOW DID THEY MANAGE TO BEAT US IN THAT TALLEST BUILDING B.s?!?!?! And also, who cares if they have a taller building than us? It makes no diff cos Taiwan still suck to da maxz!!!

At 10/20/06, 4:38 AM, Blogger -xander- said...

hahaha... thts not all about politics mel.... there's a lot more which will affect the future of our country.. the fact is, we are not progressing. the fact is we are remaining stagnant as a developing country... wawasan 2020 is not possible anymore with the attitude our goverment has.
its only a matter of time the economy starts to decline. n when tht does happen, our government wont be capable of handling things.
oh well its really based on opinions.
its not tht im not satisfied now, if the world is gonna stay as it is then where we are ia definitely great.
sadly countries will evolve, some grow some decline. n malaysia is gonna decline sooner or later.
damn.. stupid module about evolution of global cities have made me sensitive to these issues...
if u dun agree with this comment then its ok. im preparing for my finals so i thought i shall pen down my thoughts about politics more often.
hehehe..janganlah marah, opinion saja

At 10/20/06, 12:04 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said... xander. your points are completely valid. you might call me complacent but i'm happy about where malaysia stands now. development may not always be a good thing. and i doubt malaysia will decline, seeing as we're already where we are now.

no no..this wasn't a response meant for you. it was meant for someone else jumping onto your bandwagon.


At 10/20/06, 3:20 PM, Blogger archobyz said...

according to macroeconomics theory (if i'm correct la), we're experiencing faster growth than more developed countries. it's some hypothesis of convergence. or something like that. anyway, in my opinion, our country has progressed quite well but is still struggling with the elimination of poverty and well, third-world mentality. but, i still like Malaysia even with the increasing occurence of (petty) criminal offence (rape and snatch thieves in the paper every other week) because it's HOME. there's no place like home!

btw, it's called "Taipei 101". coz it has 101 floors. and it's in Taipei. hahahahahaha. but i think shanghai's coming out with an even taller building

At 10/21/06, 2:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 10/21/06, 9:57 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

ah..good to know that someone agrees with me that malaysia is fine as she already is. i mean, xander has completely relevant points, but imho, malaysia cannot decline, considering the status that she now has. except maybe decline in terms of faith her citizens has in her.

and the anti-taiwanese sentiments come from waiking. stop hiding behind the facade of 'anonymous' la..idiot.


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