Saturday, September 23, 2006


just in case i've ever sent out the message that marine science is fun and cool and exciting...well, here are some pictures to affirm that idea.

This was done at Narrabeen Beach...on a lovely Saturday morning. Bright sunshine. Clear skies. Cooling breezy winds.

First you put the coring apparatus in.

But then you realise that the cable isn't long enough...and your lecturer's yelling at you to come back outta the water..

So you move the tripod in to wrench the core out.

Finally all goes've got your's already wrenched out..your lecturer assumes a relaxed pose.

Bring the core up on land and prepare to collect whatever 6000-years-old sediments that may be contained within.

If you really wanna know...90% of that core was just very-fine-grained mud.

Ok...maaaaaybe it's not all basking on the sand in bikinis and swimming with the dolphins. But coring is super damn fun...handling a piece of equipment which is capable of vibrating its way down layers upon layers of strata and soil (the core is 6metres long) gives you a certain sense of inexplicable POWER. you've basically gone back in time...geology-style.

Oh..yea. and the white and yellow hard hats make you look damn fucking sexy too.


At 9/24/06, 8:57 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

no no..gene. you've left out the most important bit.
the main point was that it was 6m long.


At 9/27/06, 10:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have a bit of an obsession for working-class clothes, dont you? First my overalls, then the helmets....

At 9/27/06, 9:48 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

hahahaha..i can't help it!

it''s..part of the field-work criteria!


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