Saturday, June 18, 2005

Trials and Tribulations of Honest Studying..

It happens everytime. as long as the laptop is not anywhere near me, i have these crazy conversations with myself and make up paragraphs and witty comments and remarks that would look really good as a new post in my blog.

once i'm here, actually attempting to put up a new post, my mind goes blank...and i forget what i wanted to say, what happened to me throughout the course of the day...everything..goes out the window....

is it possible to get blogger's-block?

anyways....i think i remember what i wanted to say. it's exam season all over again..i'm beginning to wonder when will i be able to break out of this vicious, energy-sapping, sleep-depriving cycle. haha. ok. that was meant to be a joke. sad to say, exams have never been a near-death experience for me like what most of my high school friends felt or went through... i wonder how that feels?? ANYWAY, not to diverge anymore...what i'm saying is that it's the EXAMS (if you weren't concentrating a couple of lines ago) and mine starts next tuesday. what the heck am i doing blogging instead of reading up on the Laws of Planetary Accretion, or about the Principle of Uniformitarianism, or about Centrifugal and Centripetal Forces (oooh..i HATE physics) or about Doublel Integrals and Hypothesis Testing or about Darwin's Theory of Evolution??

haha..ok, that was just to impress you. but seriously, that's what i had to go through this semester and i THANK GOD that it's coming to and oh, say, 2 weeks?

ok, the point is, i went to uni today (WHAT...?? NO...REALLY??) to look up a certain lecturer about ... yes... double integrals. the good thing is, i know how to solve it now and an even better thing, the double integrals question is what separates high distinction scorers from distinction scorers... DOUBLE WHAMMY!! i'm loving it.

well, anyway, after that really informative and soul-satisfying session, i went to the library to study... (WHAT..?? NO...REALLY???) and believe it or not, i couldn't find a single cubicle to sit... it was ALL FULL!! on all floors of the library and there's 3 floors dedicated to quiet solitary studying, mind you. it was all taken up...!! amazing. i never knew Sydney Uni students studied.. i couldn't comprehend it..i mean, there had to be at least 300 cubicles and it all contained students...

finally after about 15 minutes i managed to find a spot...heck, what does it take to find a place to sit down and get cozy with From Stones to Stars...? things were going well at first, i was full-on concentrating and writing down notes and reading, when this couple came and occupied this seat beside me...and started kissing and making all these little noises.

ok, i'm not an uptight prudish person...hey, i'm all for you showing affection to your loved one...but please, not when there's about a million people studying around you and another million people standing around trying to look for a place to sit and actually make full use of the cubicle to do some good honest work...come inconsiderate was that?? not to mention that my entire stride and momentum was gone right smack bang...

well, the whole tete a tete lasted for maybe half a freakin hour...AND THEN, the girl said,

"i can't concentrate here...there's too many people..let's go somewhere else.."



can you believe that?? amen...that's all i can say. wherever they are, i hope that they're having a good time and may god bless them...and i hope they know what protection means... haha

it was just too funny.

so ok...exams! first one in the ring, Biology:Ecosystems to Genes...!! WHOO HOO!!
but yea, i seriously have to start hitting on those dastardly books...or's char kuey teow seller at Mee Yoke SS15 for me... hahaha


At 6/18/05, 2:01 AM, Blogger tammeegoreng said...

you poor thing.


and hey, don't complain. I have suffered sickness for two weeks, have now officially got Sinusitis, have slept 3 consecutive days in a row with fever, and my thesis report is due on MONDAY!!! YES. MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (i just woke up and i feel slightly better. time to cram cram cram, grrr 10 000 word essay F U!!!!)
*sorry for releasing stress*

At 6/18/05, 3:20 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

hahahaha...yea, found out that you're sick from Dave today...

aaw poor you...

get well soon!


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