Sunday, December 19, 2010

Antarctic Week 4: One more week before Ho Ho HO!

before week 4 goes out the door, i thought i should just give some quick dot-point updates about how my week has gone so far:

  • this week has been a 7-day work week for me.
  • on sundays in Antarctica, i usually wake no earlier than 2.30 pm. today is the first sunday i've woken up before lunchtime. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY before lunch time. i hope this does not become a trend.
  • onto happier, more successful stories though, me and jess have started an experiment and it's already been 24 hours post-fertilisation and all our babies are still going strong.
  • i guess that is a big WIN for us.
  • however, this means that jollies for me has officially ended until i arrive back on australian shores (or run out of work, the former being more likely than the latter).
  • talking about jolly season, CHRISTMAS IS NEXT WEEK SATURDAY!
anyway, can you believe it, christmas is literally just around the corner! the christmas tree is already up in the wallow (i helped put it up cos everyone else wasn't very feeling very festive) and i already have the name of my secret santa gift-receiver!

which brings to mind, WHERE HAS 2010 gone?! holy crap, i know that i keep saying the same things year in and year out about how the year has gone past very quickly blablabla where did all my time go blablabla i'm one more year closer to death blablabla but it's true, you know...i can really feel my years whizzing past.

i think before 2011 is ushered in, i will definitely have to sit down and reflect on all that i've done during the year 2010. and until then, i shall leave you with this photo:

this is how it feels like to be standing at the very end of the world.


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