Friday, December 10, 2010

Antarctic Week 3: All set up and pretty with nowhere (no animals) to go (kill)!

So here's to another week that has come and gone. My lamentations about how fast Fridays were coming about did little to stop (or at least, slow) time. This week, I had another 'wait what the fuck, it's Friday TOMORROW??' moment. I should start getting wiser about and learn from my mistakes - Fridays will ALWAYS come about and the sooner they do, I guess the sooner I get to go to the bar and engage in a tipple or two.

Anyway, I have some good news - actually, I have some GREAT NEWS! The new Jess and Mel team (Jess is the new Simon for this season) is tearing up the tracks and, at this moment as I type, the aquarium is sitting pretty with all equilibrators running, CO2 bubbling through, temperatures holding at where they should be AND all 126 sample jars of ours already in line connected to the water manifolds. Can I please get a FUCK YEA!!??

I am so relieved...I am BEYOND relieved. I know that I might be celebrating prematurely because the potential for us going down tomorrow and finding out that the whole aquarium has gone to shits is very high, but to be honest, I really can't give a fuck right now. Everything's going great and the aquarium doesn't seem to be as temperamental as the year before so I'm not going to worry about it.

I will leave you now with some photos of the new Jess and Mel team! She's a year younger than me and hails from New Zealand. Go the Kiwi-Malaysian team!

Our office: Icebergs, island, the occasional job in the world?

Girl power.


At 1/10/11, 10:28 AM, Blogger tammeegoreng said...

very cute team photo!


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