Sunday, January 27, 2008

Australia Day 2008.

sorry about the craziness in the previous post...i re-read it the day after i'd posted it and i couldn't even finish the paragraph where i went on a rant stating everything that i did in the lab. i am sorry but i'm turning into a boring writer!

anyway, i decided i needed a little bit of Me-time (it became Me-time because WK was too lansi to come out with me) hence on Saturday i traipsed out to The Rocks for the Australia Day Free Music Festival which had headlining acts like Evermore and Something for Kate! how awesome right? free summore. as a born-and-bred Malaysian, how could i NOT go? FREE WEI! all free things must sapu!

(that is also why i've come up with my own conclusion that WK is not a true born-and-bred Malaysian because he turned down a free concert by Evermore and SfK. he must've spent his developing childhood years in Medan or Hadyaai or something)

the concert was supposed to start at 6.30pm and i had plenty of free time before that so i decided to be all pretentious and took a tour inside the MCA (Museum of Contemporary Art ahem). there was an exhibition by this Pakistani female artist whose name i can't quite remember but can confidently tell you that her initals are SS. she had some very pretty pictures on display but some of them just made you want to go 'What the fuck?'. yea, contemporary art la. for all the wtf-ism i encountered though, i must say i enjoyed my 45 minutes in there...pretending to be artsy-fartsy and smart.

after the MCA i treated myself to a $45 lunch/dinner which included a spaghetti marinara (so-so, had 3 prawns though so that was good), a chocolate mudcake with cream (fucking made a mistake by asking the waitress to warm it up thus resulting in my chocolate ALL MELTED CIBAI!) and a huge metal cup of vanilla milkshake (not too thick, not too sweet, just nice and thin and milky!). $45 and my heart (and purse) strings didn't even feel a tinge of strain. why? because i fucking deserved it! BWAHAHAHA!

but now when i think about it, for $45 i could've gone to Belgian Bier Cafe and had myself a huge pot of mussels and 2 glasses of Stella. fuck.

anyway. pictures.

evermore was awesome BEYOND AWESOME. i like my boys grungy and emo. and SfK was really good too. although the lead singer was a bit old. so not so awesome. but still awesome. and yeala, i was not moshing in the pit down there...i wussed out and chose a spot on top of the observatory tower instead. i mean, HECK LA! what if suddenly this reall big-sized (and drunk) Aussie bogan came up and cari-ed pasal with me then how la am i gonna defend myself? takkan i hit him with my cloth (and very soft and flimsy) sling bag right?! confirmed i will kena punched in the fucking face. that's why i chose to stand somewhere safe(r) la.

i have a video summore. i realise that nowadays i keep posting up videos like i'm damn terror. but actually i am not. i am noob. just wanna make my blog more exciting. actually, i don't even know if anyone watches these videos.

Note at 00:28 this random guy jumps up on stage and starts dancing. Seconds later, the security guard hauls his sweet ass away from the stage and out of the arena. justice being served is the best kind of justice, me reckons.

and i don't know why i'm talking like an ah lian these grammar is shot.


At 2/4/08, 6:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mel, ur speaking more like a Malaysian (not really ah lian) cause for once ur involved with a Malaysian, ie Teen instead of a bogun! =D hee... btw, ur right. Such behaviour from WK merits scrutiny of his credentials as a true Malaysian Chinese!

At 2/7/08, 9:22 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

hahahah..I KNOW! i mean, a free concert from evermore, cmon! it's not even like it's some chapalang band or something: it was EVERMORE!

oh well. i guess he missed out.


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