Friday, May 06, 2005

my saving grace

oh joy JOY! i've finally gotten my own internet...! Alleluia! Praise be to the Lord!

hahahahaha.. no longer will i be an internet-sucking individual, entirely dependant upon the charity of my cousins who fortunately had the goodwill to let me tap into their access for the past 3 months... THANK YOU!

NO! from today onwards i'm going to walk with my head up high and know that i will not be the pathetic-internet-starved person that i was 3 months ago.. no more!

yes yes.. suddenly everything seems so much better... even the biting cold isn't as bad as it was during the days before... even the overwhelming mounds of assignments doesn't emanate the same maliciousness it did 3 days ago... even the food in the uni canteen suddenly seems much nicer.... (and for that to happen... you really have to count upon a miracle)

*bliss* sheer bliss...


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