Saturday, November 21, 2009

Antarctica Week 1: Ahoy...LAND!

hello everyone!

after a harrowing 3 weeks (very nearly almost!), i have finally arrived at Davis Station, Antarctica! ok la actually the voyage down wasn't that bad. i didn't get seasick - which was a disappointment because i was fully expecting it - plus there were no 10-12 m waves which we were supposed to encounter. overall, the voyage was...monotonous. i mean, there's really not much you can do on a ship that's probably about 100m in length (possibly less). let me give you a general run through of my day spent on the aurora.

breakfast served at 0730-0830 (i have never made it to breakfast on the ship except for the very last day because I WAS FORCED TO).
wake up around 0930-1000.
brush teeth, shower, head down to the lounge and chat with people.
lunch served at 1130-1230.
head to lounge and chat with people/watch movie/play poker/play chess.
dinner served at 1730-1830.
head to lounge and chat with people/watch movie/play poker/play chess.
go to sleep between 0000-0100.

every single day. however, there were some days when we became ULTRA-bored, someone would come up with brilliant ideas like the Lounge Room Olympics (events include: getting over and under the coffee table without body touching floor, getting body through armrest of sofa set, climbing up metal pole, and, getting body through coat hanger) or playing Sardines (something like hide and seek, except one person hides and everyone seeks, and when you find someone, you squeeze in and hide with them until there's only one person seeking...who, effectively becomes the LOSER). brilliant.

anyway, it's good to be on station. need to figure out some configuration for my firefox in order for it to work. at the moment, i'm using explorer, and it's OLD and decrepit and i hate it and i can't upload any the photos will have to wait. but i can promise you, the photos i took were the SHITS! i have penguins for EVERYONE!

stay tuned.


At 11/21/09, 6:10 PM, Blogger 20 said...

penguins!!! i want polar bears too!! eh i miss u laaa....pls upload pics asap ok! love u!

At 11/21/09, 9:22 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...


eh sorry la no polar bears in the south woi i messaged you on facebook that day why you so fucking lansi never reply HUH!?

At 11/22/09, 11:32 AM, Blogger 20 said...

i wasn't at home la. and when i got home u were offline d!! sejuk tak sana??

At 11/22/09, 5:16 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

awak ingat leh?


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